Work Package Five

Eyes Ears and Mind

To promote mental well-being in elderly Europeans by engaging the public and meaningfully including patients, participants and caregivers in every aspect of the research process

Until recently, the involvement of elderly people with mental health problems, dementia and sensory impairments in research was minimal and considered impractical. This view is now changing and it is recognised that only by fully including the views and opinions of people with dementia and their caregivers will the findings from research have meaning and enable the promotion of mental wellbeing.

Work package 5 seeks to overcome the historical lack of inclusion by fully involving people with dementia and sensory impairment and their caregivers at every stage of the project and giving the concepts of empowerment, self-management, and participation full consideration.

This WP seeks to overcome the historical lack of inclusion by fully involving PwD and sensory impairment and their caregivers at every stage of the project and giving the concepts of empowerment, self-management, and participation full consideration.

Main research questions

 How can existing assessments of sensory and mental health function and novel (e-Health) health check tools be adapted, validated and implemented in order to promote mental well being in elderly Europeans, by assisting clinical decision-making in professionals and providing health information to users/caregivers? 

Task 1
  • To develop a Sense-Cog European Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Network
Task 3
  • To communicate and disseminate SENSE-Cog outputs to the public, clinicians, and academic community
Task 2
  • To evaluate an adapted Research Awareness Training programme for EU PPV participants

SENSE-Cog has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 668648.