Work Package One

Eyes Ears and Mind

To investigate the link between mental health, cognitive and vision systems throughout the European population

Hearing and vision loss are each independently associated with cognitive decline and mental ill health however, the additive effects in dual- or triple-impaired people, as well as the reverse impact of cognitive and mental ill health on sensory deficits, is as yet unclear.

It is crucial to shed light on these relationships since the potential for improving mental well being and slowing cognitive decline through optimising sensory function is significant.

Main research question:

How can mental health-sensory profiles be generated from European longitudinal databases to provide risk estimates for poor and good mental health outcomes? These profiles will promote mental well being in elderly Europeans, particularly with regard to gender, by informing policy, commissioning and practice.

Task 1
  • Establishing risk profiles involving sensory impairment for mental health and cognitive trajectories in elderly Europeans.
Task 3
  • Clarifying the contribution of gender and sociodemographic factors on mental well-being and cognitive and sensory health.
Task 2
  • Complex modelling of the relationships among sensory impairment and cognitive and mental health in elderly Europeans

SENSE-Cog has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 668648.