Work Package One

Eyes Ears and Mind

SENSE-Cog Residential Care: Adapting a Sensory Support Intervention
for residents with dementia in care homes In Ireland

The majority of residents with dementia (RwD) living in residential care homes have unrecognised and unaddressed hearing and/or vision impairment. This comorbidity is often associated with negative outcomes

The Sensory-cognitive Model of Place was used as a conceptual framework to guide the co-development of a Sensory Support intervention for Residential Care (SSI-RC) using interactive stakeholder discussion groups round key themes around sensory-cognitive health: residents’ own hearing and vision abilities; care home staff knowledge, awareness, and practice; the sensory-friendly environment; and the organisational structure and care pathways. Participants included clinical and academic professionals across hearing, vision, care home, environment, and dementia disciplines and people with lived experience of dementia in care home settings.

-To adapt a home-based Sensory Support Intervention (SSI) trialed in home based individuals with dementia for residential care settings in preparation for feasibility pilot testing
-Collaboratively involve people with lived experience as research partners

Four Components

1 Resident level

  • Personalised sensory profiling (i.e., screening, assessment, device fitting and adherence support

3 Environmental Level

  • Mapping and correcting the local environment for sensory challenges

2 Staff Level

  • Awareness raising and training in sensory cognitive healthcare

4 Organisational Level

  • Ensuring seamless referral pathways to community professional hearing and vision care providers.